This guide will show you how to use the HDMI connecter on the phyCORE-AM62Ax development kit carrier board.



In order to follow this guide you will need an HDMI cable as well as an HDMI capable display such as a monitor.


Be sure that you are not using a headless BSP image as this does not support the HDMI interface.

Setup the HDMI Display

  • Power off and remove the power supply from the development kit.

    Target (Linux)
  • Connect the HDMI display to X45 and to the HDMI monitor.

  • Power on the development kit. As the board is booting, 4x Tux the penguins should appear, followed by a PHYTEC logo with a loading bar and finally a “Multitouch” qtdemo should show on the screen.


There is a known issue with qt5demo having a distorted image with missing pixcels.

Default Test Image

  • Stop the qtdemo and weston demos.

    Target (Linux)
    systemctl stop phytec-qtdemo
    systemctl stop weston.socket
  • Run the following command to display a test image on the screen.

    Target (Linux)
    Expected Output
     root@phyboard-lyra-am62axx-1:~# fbtest
     Using drawops cfb32 (32 bpp packed pixels)
     Available visuals:
       Grayscale 256
       Truecolor 8:8:8:0
     Using visops truecolor
     Running all tests
     test001: PASSED
     test002: PASSED
     test004: PASSED
     test006: PASSED
     test008: PASSED
     test009: PASSED
phyCORE-AM62Ax HDMI Test 1 phyCORE-AM62Ax HDMI Test 2 phyCORE-AM62Ax HDMI Test 4 phyCORE-AM62Ax HDMI Test 6 phyCORE-AM62Ax HDMI Test 8 phyCORE-AM62Ax HDMI Test 9


Remove the cursor blink with:

Target (Linux)
 echo 0 > /sys/class/graphics/fbcon/cursor_blink