Booting Essentials

This section of the product wiki contains guides to update and boot from different boot sources on the phyCORE-RT1170 SOM.

Boot Mode

The phyCORE-RT1170 development kit supports booting from many different interfaces. To change the boot device, DIP switches S5 and S7 can be used. Boot switches should be changed with power off.

Boot Settings (S7)



Enables WiFi, disables SD card boot

Enables SD card boot, disables WiFi

Boot Settings S5

SD Card

USB OTG Serial Download

QSPI Flash

Octal Flash


../_images/pb-07326_bs-sd.jpg ../_images/pb-07326_bs-serial-down.jpg ../_images/pb-07326_bs-QSPI.jpg ../_images/pb-07326_bs-octal.jpg ../_images/pb-07326_bs-internal.jpg