BSP-Yocto-NXP-i.MX7-PD23.1.0 ============================ .. include:: ../substitutions.rst .. substitutions .. |local-release-name| replace:: BSP-Yocto-NXP-i.MX7-PD23.1.0 .. |local-kernel-version| replace:: v5.15.71 .. |local-kernel-tag| replace:: v5.15.71_2.2.2-phy3 .. |local-kernel-repo| replace:: `PHYTEC Linux kernel repository `__ .. |local-uboot-version| replace:: v2022.04 .. |local-uboot-tag| replace:: v2022.04_2.2.2-phy5 .. |local-uboot-repo| replace:: `PHYTEC U-Boot bootloader repository `__ .. |local-yocto-version| replace:: 4.0.14 Kirkstone .. |local-yocto-repo| replace:: `PHYTEC Meta Layer repository `__ .. |local-default-kit| replace:: KPB-01910-004.A0 .. |vendor-fork| replace:: 2.2.2 This document highlights the key features and support included in the |local-release-name| software release for the |product| SOM and development kit. .. list-table:: Board Support Package Status :widths: 50 50 :stub-columns: 1 * - BSP Operating system - Linux * - Release Status - **RELEASED** * - Release Date - 2023-12-15 * - Repository - `PHYTEC Public Repos `_ * - Binaries - `BSP-Yocto-NXP-i.MX7-PD23.1.0 `_ New in this Release ------------------- **Yocto** * Switched to PHYTEC Ampliphy Distro **Known Issues** * If the processor is stressed with stressapptest or other heavy system loads the system may crash after some period of time under normal operation conditions. Software Versioning ------------------- The |release-name| software release is largely based off of |vendor|'s |vendor-fork| Processor SDK Linux release and shares much of the same components and features. .. list-table:: Software Versioning :widths: 50 50 50 :stub-columns: 1 * - Tested Build Environment - Ubuntu 20.04 - `Ubuntu 20.04 Release Downloads `_ * - Linux Kernel - |local-kernel-version| (tag: |local-kernel-tag|) - |local-kernel-repo| * - U-Boot Bootloader - |local-uboot-version| (tag: |local-uboot-tag|) - |local-uboot-repo| * - Yocto - |local-yocto-version| (tag: |local-release-name|) - |local-yocto-repo| PHYTEC Meta Layer ----------------- This BSP release supports various configurations of the |product| SOM and Development Kit, here is a summary of the Yocto MACHINE configuration support included in the PHYTEC Meta Layer for this release: .. list-table:: Yocto MACHINE Summary :widths: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 :header-rows: 1 * - Yocto MACHINE - Default Target Image - Linux Distro - Kit Part Number - Compatible Modules - U-Boot defconfig - Linux defconfig - Device Tree Files * - phyboard-zeta-imx7d-1 **(Default Kit)** - phytec-qt6demo-image - PHYTEC Ampliphy Reference Distribution - |local-default-kit| - PHYTEC phyCORE-i.MX7 Linux development kit (RAM auto-detection) - phycore-imx7_spl_defconfig - imx7_phyboard_zeta_defconfig - **Default Device Tree\:** |br| imx7d-phyboard-zeta-kit.dtb |br| **Overlays\:** |br| imx7d-phyboard-zeta-m4.dtbo |br| imx7d-phyboard-zeta-peb-av-02-rev0.dtbo |br| imx7d-phyboard-zeta-peb-av-02.dtbo |br| imx7d-phyboard-zeta-peb-av-06.dtbo |br| imx7d-phyboard-zeta-peb-d-rpi.dtbo Part Number Summary ------------------- .. list-table:: Hardware Summary :widths: 50 50 75 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Hardware Description - Part Number - Configuration Details (DDR3 / DDR ECC / eMMC or NAND / QSPI NOR / Controller / EEPROM / Ethernet PHY / RTC / Temp) - PCB Version * - phyCORE-i.MX7 SOM - PCM-061-2110111C.A1 - 1GB / No / 4GB eMMC / Yes / i.MX7 Dual / Yes / Yes / Yes / Commercial - 1458.4 Linux Device Tree Summary ------------------------- This is a summary of how the device tree source files (.dts) and the various include files (.dtsi) are broken down in the kernel. These files describe the hardware in a hierarchical and modular way to the kernel, connecting device drivers to the interfaces brought out by the carrier board. .. list-table:: Linux Device Tree Summary :widths: 50 75 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Hardware Target - Device Tree File Descriptions - Filename * - phyCORE-i.MX7 kit - Default dts Build Target (includes the other's below) - arch/arm/boot/dts/imx7d-phyboard-zeta-kit.dts * - - Silicon-specific - adds support and enables silicon-specific features - imx7d.dtsi * - - SOM-specific - adds support and enables SOM-specific features - imx7-phycore-som.dtsi * - - CarrierBoard-specific - enables circuits supported by the SOM - imx7d-pba-c-09.dtsi If designing your own custom carrier board around the |product| SOM, you will eventually define a custom device tree for your board that includes the .dtsi file for the SOM, which PHYTEC has provided for you. All the BSP changes custom for your application should eventually be consolidated into its own Meta Layer. Supported Interfaces -------------------- The following table outlines the validated interfaces of the default |product| development kit. .. note:: This table only outlines the key features of the |product| PHYTEC has chosen to enable by default, which serves as a basis for customization in production designs. Unnecessary interfaces can be disabled and additional interfaces can be enabled when deploying the SOM on a custom carrier board. Other features of the |product| may or may not be configurable depending on pin multiplexing conflicts, for more information review the |product| schematic in tandem with the Processor Datasheet. .. list-table:: Supported Interfaces :widths: 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Interface - Status * - UART - Supported * - GPIO - Supported * - Watch Dog - Supported * - SD Card - Supported * - RTC - Supported * - I2C - Supported * - QSPI - Supported * - PWM - Untested * - CAN - Supported * - SAI - Supported * - ADC - Untested * - USB 2.0 - Supported * - PCIe - Supported * - Ethernet - Supported * - MIPI-CSI - Unsupported * - LVDS - Supported * - eMMC - Supported * - NAND - Unsupported * - WIFI - Unsupported * - Bluetooth - Unsupported * - SD Card Boot - Supported * - eMMC Boot - Supported * - NAND Boot - Unsupported * - QSPI Boot - Unsupported * - USB/DFU Boot - Unsupported * - UART Boot - Unsupported * - Network Boot - Unsupported .. note:: For technical support, please visit `PHYTEC's Support Portal `_!