.. include:: ../substitutions.rst .. _ConfiguringTheBootloader-64: Configuring the Bootloader ========================== Change the Device Tree ---------------------- By default, U-Boot loads a device tree binary (dtb) file named *oftree* during boot. The *oftree* file is a copy of *k3-am625-phyboard-lyra-rdk.dtb*. This portion of the guide will instruct how to change U-boot to load different device trees. * Power on the board and press any key to stop autoboot when prompted by the Bootloader. * Use the following command to list the available file's within the boot media's Boot partition (this is typically where binaries used for boot are stored): .. code-block:: console :substitutions: |uboot-prompt| ls mmc 1:1 .. code-block:: console :substitutions: :caption: Example Output |uboot-prompt| ls mmc 1:1 EFI/ 21336576 Image 361 k3-am6-phycore-disable-eth-phy.dtbo 234 k3-am6-phycore-disable-rtc.dtbo 235 k3-am6-phycore-disable-spi-nor.dtbo 1627 k3-am64-phyboard-electra-gpio-fan.dtbo 1715 k3-am64-phyboard-electra-pcie-usb2.dtbo 1356 k3-am64-phyboard-electra-x27-uart3-spi1.dtbo 61269 k3-am642-phyboard-electra-rdk.dtb 61269 oftree 508394 tiboot3.bin 907823 tispl.bin 961379 u-boot.img * We can check which file is the active device tree like so: .. code-block:: console :substitutions: |uboot-prompt| printenv fdtfile * Change the default device tree. .. code-block:: console :substitutions: |uboot-prompt| setenv fdtfile |uboot-prompt| saveenv |uboot-prompt| boot U-boot will now load the dtb file named '' automatically during subsequent boots (just replace it with the appropriate file name when you run the command). Working with Overlays --------------------- The PHYTEC BSP also comes with some device tree overlays to help evaluate certain interfaces and accessory hardware. The table "`Linux Device Tree Summary `_ in the Release Notes shows an overview of all available overlays. Enable an Overlay ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * U-boot has an extra environment variable called "overlays" to apply device tree overlay files. We can enable device tree overlays with it like so: .. code-block:: console :substitutions: |uboot-prompt| setenv overlays k3-am62-phyboard-lyra-vm016-mipi.dtbo |uboot-prompt| saveenv |uboot-prompt| boot * Moreover, it's possible to enable multiple overlays by separating them with a space. .. code-block:: console :substitutions: |uboot-prompt| setenv overlays k3-am64-phyboard-electra-rdk-pcie-usb2.dtbo k3-am64-phyboard-electra-gpio-fan.dtbo |uboot-prompt| saveenv |uboot-prompt| boot The ``saveenv`` command stores the boot environment to non-volatile memory. If you would like temporarily adjust the boot environment, you can omit the ``saveenv`` command and the boot environment will go back to the previously saved settings on the next boot. Reset the U-Boot Environment to Default Settings ------------------------------------------------ * In order to revert the U-Boot environment back to its original settings, run the following: .. code-block:: console :substitutions: |uboot-prompt| env default -f -a |uboot-prompt| saveenv |uboot-prompt| boot .. note:: When booting from the SD card, if you have saved changes to the environment using ``saveenv``, the changes may persist across flashes of the SD card. It is a good idea to default your environment after flashing.