.. _BootingEssentials-62: Booting Essentials ================== .. sidebar:: Update your SOM's Boot Media! .. raw:: html
This section of the product wiki contains guides to update and boot from different boot sources on the phyCORE-AM62x SOM. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 sdcard.rst emmc.rst ospi.rst uart.rst usb-dfu.rst network.rst copyingFilesToTheTarget.rst configuringTheBootloader.rst Boot Modes ---------- The phyCORE-AM62x development kit supports booting from many different interfaces. By default, the developement kit is set to boot from the micro-SD card. To change the boot device, DIP switches S5 and S6 can be used. Boot switches should be changed with power off. .. list-table:: Boot Settings (S7) :header-rows: 1 * - ON - OFF * - Enables the DIP switches (S5, S6) to override default boot sequence - Disables the DIP switches (S5, S6). Allowing the SOM to boot with default boot sequence .. |image-boot-sd| image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-sd.webp :width: 200px .. |image-boot-emmc| image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-emmc.webp :width: 200px .. |image-boot-ospi| image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-ospi.webp :width: 200px .. |image-boot-uart| image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-uart.webp :width: 200px .. |image-boot-usb| image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-usb.webp :width: 200px .. |image-boot-network| image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-network.webp :width: 200px .. |image-boot-jtag| image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-jtag.webp :width: 200px .. list-table:: Boot Settings :header-rows: 1 * - SD Card - eMMC - OSPI - UART - USB/DFU - Network - JTAG (No Boot) * - |image-boot-sd| - |image-boot-emmc| - |image-boot-ospi| - |image-boot-uart| - |image-boot-usb| - |image-boot-network| - |image-boot-jtag| .. tip:: Note the orientation of the physical switches and the switch diagrams here, the setting can easily be flipped depending on the orientation of the development kit. Look for the "ON" marking to clarify switch positions. .. image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_bootswitch.webp :width: 700px :alt: phyCORE-AM62x Boot Mode Switches .. image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_bootswitch_closeup.webp :width: 400px :alt: phyBOARD-AM62x Boot Mode Switches Close-up