Building an Application

This guide will walk you through building an application for the co-processor using the phyboard-lyra-am62axx example from the MCU+ SDK.


Ensure you have followed the instructions in the MCU+ SDK Host Environment Setup before proceeding.

Step 1: Import the phyboard-lyra-am62axx R5F Example Firmware

  1. Open Code Composer Studio (CCS).

  2. Navigate to the Project Explorer window.


If the Project Explorer is not visible, enable it by going to the View tab and selecting Project Explorer.

  1. To import the project, follow these steps:

  • Go to Project -> Import CCS Project.

Import a CCS Project
  • In the Import CCS Projects dialog box, choose Select search-directory and navigate to the following path:

  • The example firmware should appear as a discovered project. Select it and click Finish.

Select the correct CCS project

Step 2: Understand Project Modifications

The phyboard-lyra-am62axx example firmware is configured to run on the phyCORE-AM62Ax SOM alongside Linux. It includes the following key changes:

  • Custom Source Code: his example includes a heartbeat blinky routine. The LED blinks at a set interval to indicate the firmware is running.

  • Inter-Processor Communication (IPC): An IPC routine is implemented to enable graceful shutdown of the firmware when Linux stops the co-processor via the remoteproc interface.

  • linker.cmd: Adjustments have been made to enable Inter-Processor Communication (IPC) between Linux and the M4 core.

  • example.syscfg: Changes to this file enable IPC and select the appropriate GPIO pin for the LED on the SOM.

You can compare the phyboard-lyra-am62axx files with the corresponding am62ax-sk files to see the specific modifications.

Step 3: Build the Project

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the imported project name and select Build Project.


This will compile the example firmware and generate the necessary binaries.

Build a CCS project
  1. Once the build is complete, the output binary can be found in:
