.. _BootingEssentials-62A: Booting Essentials ================== This section of the product wiki contains guides to update and boot from different boot sources on the phyCORE-AM62Ax SOM. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 sdcard.rst emmc.rst ospi.rst uart-boot.rst usb-dfu.rst netboot.rst copyingFilesToTheTarget.rst configuringTheBootloader.rst Boot Modes ------------ The phyCORE-AM62Ax development kit supports booting from many different interfaces. By default, the developement kit is set to boot from the micro-SD card. To change the boot device, DIP switches S5 and S6 can be used. Boot switches should be changed with power off. .. list-table:: Boot Settings (S7) :header-rows: 1 * - ON - OFF * - Enables the DIP switches (S5, S6) to override default boot sequence - Disables the DIP switches (S5, S6). Allowing the SOM to boot with default boot sequence .. list-table:: Boot Settings :header-rows: 1 * - SD - eMMC - UART - OSPI - USB/DFU - Network - JTAG (No Boot) * - .. image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-sd.png - .. image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-emmc.png - .. image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-uart.png - .. image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-ospi.png - .. image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-usb.png - .. image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-network.png - .. image:: ../../images/phycore-am62x/pb-07124_boot-jtag.png .. image:: ../../images/phycore-am62ax/pb-07524_bootswitch.png :width: 700px :alt: phyCORE-AM62Ax Boot